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Andover and District Beekeepers Association

© Image by Anete Lusina

What we do

Join us . . .

Membership enquiries 
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Our principle aim is to promote the art of beekeeping, both traditional and natural, and to encourage good beekeeping practice in the Andover locality.

In the summer months, we arrange a series of visits to members' apiaries and to other social events. This is a good time to see how other beekeepers approach their tasks and exchange information, advice and tips on beekeeping.

In the colder winter months, we arrange a series of meetings to maintain contact with each other. At the meetings, guests are invited to talk on various aspects of beekeeping. These meetings are excellent events for learning more about the craft and debating the various beekeeping techniques.

Normally from December to April we also run a series of talks designed for newcomers to the art of beekeeping. The aim is to educate new members in the basics of beekeeping so that the following summer they can properly participate in the practical sessions and gain sufficient confidence to decide whether beekeeping is for them. The talks cover matters such as natural history, colony management, diseases, and processing honey.

ABKA is represented by a committee from the membership.

Got a swarm?

Don't panic! Bees in a swarm are full of honey and happy if you leave them alone. Contact our swarm officer for advice and collection.

Beekeeping Introductory Training 2025

The next course will commence in January 2025 with details and the opportunity to enrol available from October 2024. Should you wish for further information, to join the Andover Association or to be advised when opportunities for enrolment will be open then please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Honey Show Schedule 2024

Let’s make it a record number of entries for this year’s Honey Show…in our new venue and the weather!  And, of course, the really great class 15 where you can enter your own delicious honey in any size container to be sampled and judged by your fellow members!

Natural Beekeeping

Natural beekeeping covers a wide spectrum of practices but basically will involve non or minimal intervention into the Bee’s nest environment.

Have your say

Let us know if there's anything you'd like to share here on the web site that will benefit other Members.

The best way to report any sightings is via the 'Asian Hornet Watch' app.

> Download on App Store

> Get it on Google Play