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Andover and District Beekeepers Association

© Image by Patrick Albt

Out Apiary Conditions of Use

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Membership enquiries 
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The apiary site is established to:

* Be an area where members can meet to practise beekeeping techniques and exchange ideas: in particular to help new or intending members to experience practical beekeeping and handle bees prior to commencing beekeeping.
* Provide a place for education.
* Be an area for members to locate their hives.

1. Only paid up members of ABKA may keep bees on the Apiary sites, and hives are only allowed on site with ABKA permission. Owners using the site must respect the farmer's wishes at all times and respect other users' hives and property.

2. Owners and visitors must maintain good apiary hygiene, particularly when managing hives at multiple sites. The purpose of good apiary hygiene is to prevent the spread of disease between honey bee colonies. Disposable gloves are recommended and should be changed between apiaries. Hive tools should be cleaned regularly and prior to use at each apiary. Clothing must be clean.

3. Hives will be sited with the Apiary Manager who must be notified of all movement of bees to and from the site. The Apiary Manager will maintain a plan of the site and deal with all matters concerning maintenance and security: hives must have identification and the owner's contact telephone number on them.

4. Hives left on the site without permission or where the owner fails to comply with the rules and regulations will be removed and disposed of after due warning.

5. Owners must maintain their hives in good order and to do their utmost to prevent disease; they must follow ensuring that current guidelines from the bee inspectorate.

a. Varroa must be kept under control by using integrated pest management (IPM) and/or chemical treatment recommended by the Bee Inspector.
b. Members must inform the Apiary Manager of the control measures for varroa being used.
c. Monitoring of varroa levels in all hives must to be carried out monthly (April to September).

6. Swarm control methods must be practised: bad tempered bees must be re-queened if requested by the Apiary Manager.

7. Diseased colonies will be dealt with in accordance with instructions from the Bee Inspector (including standstill or destruction) whether or not the owner can be contacted.

8. The Apiary Manager reserves the right to inspect a member's hive(s) at any time to ensure that these rules and regulations are being followed.

9. Hive stands must be unobtrusive in colour and in keeping with the area.

10. Smokers must be carefully controlled and must not be emptied on site. All equipment and debris from hives (e.g. hive staples, nails and scrap wax) must be removed from the site, taking into account any standstill notices in force at the time. The area is to be kept clean and tidy at all times.

11. Members use the site at their own risk.

Introductory Training Course 2025

The next course will commence in January 2025. Training over seven one-hour sessions and take you through basic steps which will lead to important practical experience learning at our Andy Kingman (Cowdown) apiary with experienced bee keepers.

The best way to report any sightings is via the 'Asian Hornet Watch' app.

> Download on App Store

> Get it on Google Play