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Andover and District Beekeepers Association

© Image from ADBKA

Beekeeping Introductory Training

Join us . . .

Membership enquiries 
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The next course will commence in January 2025 with details and the opportunity to enrol available from October 2024. Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Should you wish for further information, to join the Andover Association or to be advised when opportunities for enrolment will be open then please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The training over seven one-hour sessions (Tuesday evenings between January through to the end of March) will take you through basic steps.

This will lead to important practical experience learning at our Andy Kingman (Cowdown) apiary under the guidance of experienced bee keepers.

All theory sessions will be held in the Andover Community Church hall from 1930 hours and will last for approximately 90 minutes each; a notebook and pencil, advisable.

14th January

Andover Community Church

Beekeeping and natural history

21st January

Andover Community Church

Equipment and forage

28th January

Andover Community Church

The beekeeping year

11th February

Andover Community Church

Colony management

18th February

Andover Community Church

Disease and colony health

25th February

Andover Community Church

Swarms, queens and mating flights

11th March

Andover Community Church

Natural beekeeping

25th March

Andover Community Church

Practical evening

- The swarm line

- Smoker use

- Frame building

- Practical equipment

- Useful aids and accessories

- Health and safety

April 2025 onwards

The Andy Kingman(Cowdown) apiary

Hands-in practical sessions

From the beginning of April and subject to weather training will transfer to the Andy Kingman (Cowdown) apiary where beginners will be assigned a working hive to manage and develop in the expectation that colony can be split with ultimately it can be removed from site to the beginner’s own apiary the following Spring. Beginners are encouraged to participate in this programme to develop and enhance their own skills under the guidance of experienced beekeepers.

The course is open to all ages without any necessary experience and certainly no test! The cost of the course will include the textbook appropriate for the course.

REQUIREMENTS: Notebook and pencil.

COST: Individuals - £60.00 including course textbook with a second joint/partner at £40.00 but sharing the course textbook.

Please do not buy anything yet as there is a lot of unnecessary and useless stuff out there waiting for the unwary.


FURTHER DETAILS: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The Andy Kingman(Cowdown) apiary