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Andover and District Beekeepers Association

© Image by J Ryde

Andover & District Honey Show
Honey, trophies and rosettes

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Let’s make it a record number of entries for this year’s Honey Show…in our new venue and the weather!  And, of course, the really great class 15 where you can enter your own delicious honey in any size container to be sampled and judged by your fellow members! Even if you have no honey of your own, there are several other bee related classes that you can enter…perfect for photographers, artists and wax craft beekeepers.

Our Judge this year will again be Tracey Hood

There are no entry fees but there are trophies and rosettes up for grabs. The show is always good fun but in order for it to be a success, we need you to enter.

You may enter as many classes as you wish. I have put the few but important rules below to avoid any embarrassment on the night and the Judge’s decision will always be the final one.

Points will be awarded for each class: 1st = 4 points, 2nd = 3 points, 3rd = 2 points .

Show off your honey

First time? Enter your produce and enjoy being part of the event! See you there...

Honey Show Rules 2024

1. You must be a paid up member of ADBKA

2. No entry fees

3. All Honey must be your own, from your own managed hives. Honey from hives

owned by you but managed by others is not eligible.

4. No identifying labels on any entries with the exception of Class 7.

All entries will be numbered and placed by the Registration Team on the night.

5. Classes 1 to 5 and 7 to be displayed in 1lb/454g glass jars.

6. Class 6, section of cut comb to be displayed in transparent 8oz/227g container

7. Class 8 Mead, must be in clear glass bottles of approximately 750ml, no decoration.

Also, with no added alcohol, flavouring or colouring.

Awards and Trophies

A Rosette will be awarded to the 1 st place in each class

A Certificate will be awarded for the 2nd and 3rd place in each class

The Honey Trophy will go to the overall best entry in classes 1 to 7

The Cookery Trophy will go the best entry in classes 9 to 11

The Jubilee Cup will be awarded to the best entry in classes 12 & 13

The Novice Cup will be awarded to the best entry in class 14

The Members Cup Trophy will go to the overall best entry for all classes - decided on points.

A Bottle of Wine will be awarded to the best in class 8

A Bottle of Wine will be awarded to the best in class 15

Schedule of Classes

Honey Classes

Class 1 one jar of light honey

Class 2 one jar of medium honey

Class 3 one jar of dark honey>

Class 4 one jar crystallised honey (natural granulation)

Class 5 one jar soft set honey

Class 6 one section of cut comb (see rule 6 above)

Class 7 one jar of honey labelled as for sale (see rule 4)

Mead Class

Class 8 one bottle of mead (see rule 7 above)

Confectionary Classes

Class 9, Class 10 and Class 11 see recipes below

Other Classes

Class 12 a photograph or drawing relating to beekeeping

Class 13 Bees wax, Block or Sculpture/Candle...made from own beeswax

Novice Classes

Class eligible only to beekeepers who have not won anything before in a Honey Class

Class 14 one jar of honey, light, medium or dark

Honey Tasting – to be judged by us the members

Class 15 One jar of honey, any colour can be runny, set or soft set.

2024 Honey Show Recipies


225G self raising flour

Pinch of salt

50g butter

1 tablespoon honey

1 egg

4 tablespoons of milk (approx.)

Place flour,salt and butter in bowl, mix till breadcrumb texture, add the egg and honey. Mix gently until dough is formed, add milk a little at a time until a soft, pliable dough is formed. Roll out to about 2cm and then cut out using a 2”/5cm cutter. Transfer to a lightly greased baking tray and put in oven (220/210 fan) for approx. 10 minutes.


1tsp. vegetable oil

125g butter

75g demerara sugar

4 tablespoons clear honey

125 self raising flour

1tsp mixed ground spice

¼ tsp bicarbonate of soda

Pinch salt

100g porridge oats

200g shelled and chopped walnuts

Preheat oven to 170c , grease baking pans . Place butter, sugar and honey in a saucepan over a low heat. Sift the dry ingredients into a bowl, pour the honey mixture into the dry ingredients and mix well to form a dough. Take a teaspoon of dough and roll it into a walnut size ball, flatten slightly to form a 6 cm (2 ½ inches) disc. Repeat… place them well spaced on your baking pans. Cook for about 15 minutes.


250g honey

125g butter

2 eggs

250g self raising flour

Pinch of salt

170g sultanas

Milk if necessary

Set oven for 170/160 degrees . Grease and line a 6 ½ /7 “ (15cm) round cake tin. Mix together honey and butter, add eggs with the sifted flour and salt. Reserving a little bit of flour to add with the sultanas. Beat the mixture well but lightly, adding a little milk if necessary to produce a soft consistency. Coat the sultanas with the remaining flour and stir in.

Put into the tin and bake for 1 ¼ to 1 ½ houra until a skewer inserted comes out clean.

Turn onto a wire rack to cool.

I have tried all these recipes and they are super easy and delicious!
